To all members of The Monsquaz Foundation,
Time passes as we have now entered the colder months of the year. Leaves are falling, but our foundation keeps growing and things have been kept up to pace. Here's this months newsletter.
Recently our chairman WASD has been working hard at his job. One topic that has come up is optimisation.
Workers at his job processing refunds have been working using slow manual processes. If those processes were to be automated, the company could process many more refunds in the same amount of time, save money, and free up employee time for other important jobs.
This idea can also apply to our daily lives and attitudes. Perhaps there are things which could be optimised, which could save time and energy for more important things. Perhaps you're taking an inefficient route to work, or maybe you have a lot of old files taking up space on your computer's hard disk, or maybe the approach you use when solving problems could be more optimal. If you find something in your life which is sub-optimal, and optimise it, your quality of life could improve drastically
Monsquaz foundation member dusthillguy has been working on a BASIC program for the BBC Microcomputer system, a microcomputer which was popular in the 1980s. This program draws a picture on the screen in the BBC microcomputer's graphics mode 1, which has a resolution of 320x256 with 4 colours. With help from users of the Stardot forum, the program was optimised. A picture that would have taken 60 seconds to draw now takes only 56 seconds. More information on this can be found at the Stardot forum thread:
November meetup
On Friday, November 25th, we will gather at club Nefertiti in Gothenburg, Sweden, to enjoy some sweet Jazz music. We have chosen that evening because they host the event "This is art pop" with only a 80 SEK entrance fee. Contact us at least a week in advance in you would like to join us.
Also in related news, highly esteemed member Krig, for his great efforts and continuous will to improve and to support the foundation, has been granted the title Honorary Member of the Monsquaz Foundation.
Picture of the month
We would also like to announce the Picture of the Month contest:
* Submit one picture OR photo that you've made.
* The best picture will be chosen by vote.
* You must submit your picture before the deadline, which is the 18th of November.
* Submit by email to with subject "Picture of the month - [your name]"
Youth outreach programme manager