To all members of The Monsquaz Foundation,
Just above a month has passed since our members started their Daily Exercise Routines™. The commitment has been great among our members. We have asked some of them to tell us how they feel about their progress.
“I’ve been following my daily exercise routine for over a month now and it feels great. I primarily do push-ups and pull-ups. Every day I feel a little stronger and my muscles have gotten noticeably bigger.”
“I recently bought a really cheap exercise pedalling machine, and it arrived a few days ago. It’s not very good but it works. I try to pedal on it for at least 20 minutes a day.”
“These last few months, since I came home from my vacation, I've been getting back into my daily exercise routine properly. I have a small home-gym and work out about 5-7 times a week. Having a home-gym is a really convenient and fun way to make sure you get enough exercise. I have been "bulking" lately, so I've put on about 15kg of weight by eating a lot of nutritious food. Soon I'm going to switch to cutting, so that I lose fat and get muscle definition. Apart from some of my clothes starting to get too tight fitting, it has only been positive.”
This month, The Monsquaz Foundation had its first meetup in Gothenburg, Sweden. The date chosen was September 3rd in connection with the birthday of one of our members, CatButts. CatButts is a good person with good morals and a much loved member of The Monsquaz Foundation. We also celebrated the Monsquaz facebook page reaching 100 likes. You can read more about the meetup in the blog post.
What more major news are there this month? Our swap compo started a week ago, but has been put on hold because people are too busy at the moment.. And cockmaster has been updated with 12,000 new quotes, reaching a total of 86,000 unique lines of wonder. The upcoming months, more big events will take place so make sure to stay tuned.
Chairman of The Monsquaz